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Why your boat is gassy and what to do about it

by 건강하고 2023. 4. 19.

Abdominal Gas
Abdominal Gas

Reasons for gas in the boat

There are many reasons for gas in the stomach. Gas is produced in the stomach when undigested food, fiber, sugar, and starch are fermented by microorganisms. This process produces gas, which can cause your stomach to expand. Gas buildup in the stomach is usually caused by the following reasons


  1. Eating fast: Eating too quickly can cause food to not be chewed enough, which can lead to a buildup of undigested food in the digestive tract, causing gas.
  2. Mood swings: Emotional situations such as stress, anxiety, excitement, and tension can cause your digestive system to work harder, resulting in gas.
  3. Poor digestion: Weak digestive system function, lack of digestive enzymes, or an imbalance of bacteria in the gut can lead to poor digestion, which can cause gas.
  4. Food choices: You're more likely to experience gas if you eat foods that are more likely to cause gas. For example, colas, beer, sodas, vegetables, beans, and fruits.

Gas buildup in the stomach is temporary, and in most cases, digestion is complete within a few hours and the gas is released from the stomach. 


How to degas a ship

Here's how to get rid of gas in your stomach

  1. Walking: Light exercise can promote gas release. Walking or strolling can stimulate the movement of your stomach to release gas.
  2. Drinking: Drinking brewed mint, ginger, or basil tea can aid digestion and promote gas release. You can also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help pass gas.
  3. Change your posture: Changing your posture, such as bending over slightly or lying on your stomach, can stimulate your stomach to move and release gas.
  4. Tighten your stomach: Exercises that tighten your stomach, such as sit-ups, squats, and yoga's "downward dog" pose, can help release gas.
  5. Gas release exercises: You can sit down with your knees bent, then slowly stand up while extending your arms, then sit back down with your arms bent again to repeat the gas release exercise.
  6. Gas release poses: Bending your knees, placing your hands on the floor, and lifting your hips to release gas is also effective.
  7. Food choices: Avoid foods that are likely to cause gas, and try to eat plant-based foods that help with digestion, such as fish rather than meat.

If gas persists or is painful, you may want to seek medical attention.



Foods that cause more gas and foods that cause less gas

Let's distinguish between foods that cause more gas and foods that cause less gas.


Gas-producing foods

  • Carbonated beverages such as cola, soda, and beer
  • Legumes (black beans, green beans, beans, sprouts, etc.)
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, onions, garlic, mushrooms, and bell peppers
  • Kimchi, fermented dairy products (yogurt, cheese, kefir), fermented vegetables (kimchi, pickled cabbage, sauerkraut, etc.)
  • Fruits (apples, pears, peaches, melons, etc.)
  • High-fiber vegetables, such as carrots, spinach, radishes, bok choy, lettuce, etc.
  • Fatty foods, such as rice cakes, tteokbokki, chicken, duck, pork, etc.

Foods that produce less gas

  • Fish (tuna, salmon, halibut, halibut, snapper, etc.)
  • Protein foods, preferably lean, such as hard-boiled eggs and chicken breast
  • Vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, radishes, squash, avocados, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, etc.
  • Nuts, such as pine nuts, cashews, walnuts, and almonds
  • Starchy foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, glutinous rice, oats, and barley.

However, gas production can vary from person to person, so it's important to pay attention to what you're eating to see if it's causing you gas. It's also important to choose the right cooking method, as the way the food is prepared can also affect the amount of gas you produce.
You can see from the above that there are some common threads. This is because it can vary depending on how it is cooked and how it is consumed.



Let's break it down by cooking method

Some cooking methods can produce more gas, while others can produce less. For example, beans, onions, cabbage, and broccoli are among the most gas-producing foods, and cooking methods such as sautéing or frying them can increase gas production, so it's important to cook these foods properly.


Foods that produce less gas include chicken, fish, eggs, potatoes, and carrots, which can be reduced by cooking these foods using proper cooking methods. For example, boiling, baking, boiling, and steaming are recommended cooking methods. Drinking plenty of fluids between meals, and walking or doing light exercise before and after meals can also help reduce gas production. It's important to note that different people's digestive systems can produce different levels of gas, so it's important to tailor your diet to suit your individual constitution.

It's hard to tell which foods produce more gas and which produce less gas by the name of the dish, because the same ingredients can produce very different amounts of gas depending on the cooking method. However, in general, cooking methods that use a lot of oil, such as stir-frying, frying, and grilling, tend to increase gas production. On the other hand, cooking methods that use water or steam, such as boiling, steaming, and simmering, tend to reduce gas production. Therefore, it is recommended to choose dishes that reduce gas production, control the amount of ingredients and cooking methods, and maintain healthy eating habits by adjusting your diet according to your individual constitution.


Walking workouts
Walking workouts


Finally, let's talk more specifically about exercises to relieve gas.


Exercises to pass gas include the following

  • Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise increases circulation in the body, which helps improve digestion and eliminate gas. Examples include walking, jogging, biking, and swimming.
  • Deep brace exercises: Deep brace is an exercise where you breathe deeply and contract your muscles by squeezing your stomach. This exercise is effective in stimulating the muscles in your intestines to release gas.
  • Yoga: Some poses in yoga promote bowel movement, which helps to release gas. For example, breast pose, breathing pose, and kneeling push-ups.
  • Abdominal massage: Abdominal massage stimulates digestion, which helps release gas. We recommend gently massaging your abdomen in a clockwise direction.

However, if you have symptoms such as persistent gas or severe abdominal pain, you may want to seek medical attention.

